A Network of Chefs
We’re collaborating with these outstanding teams and organizations
The mission of the is to grow and strengthen local journalism, and in doing so serve New Jersey residents. The Center will be using TV Kitchen to collect local television news from seven local stations, for use in analyzing how TV news is covering issues, asking questions such as “Which towns are discussed the most, and by which outlets?” and “Which people are discussed the most?”
The national fact-checking site PolitiFact will use TV Kitchen to capture captions from Sunday talk shows, major news events, or press conferences, to use as a basis to determine what claims need to be fact-checked. PolitiFact may also set up local TV collection spots with members of its nationwide network.
Politico, a national political outlet, will use the TV Kitchen API to pull caption feeds from at least one network during a notable event – such as a presidential debate – and shunt it to a tool that allows its reporters to add commentary to the live transcript.
Media-Data Research Consortium (M-DRC), which is working to make TV news (and other media) accessible for computational analysis by scholars, journalists and others. The Consortium partners with the Internet Archive’s TV News Archive to enhance public benefit access to its ongoing collections of broadcast and cable TV news. Recent M-DRC experiments in understanding how COVID-19 is being covered differently than past epidemics can be seen here, here, and here.
Join us!
We are an open-source community and project and developers, researchers, journalists and all members of the public are invited both to participate and contribute. We do ask you reach out to us at tvkitchen@biffud.com and consider signing a simple Memorandum of Understanding to establish guidelines and adherences to ethical practices.
Ethical Practice
TV Kitchen welcomes partners who will use TV Kitchen ethically to conduct investigations and analysis that provide information, research, and service journalism for the public and will enable people to make informed decisions. This is an evolving field, and we encourage TV Kitchen partners to help Bad Idea factory in developing and continually reevaluating ethical guidelines in media analysis. At a minimum, we expect TV Kitchen experiments to:
- Be rigorous and fact-based, following best practices in data analysis and visualization;
- adhere to highest ethical standards with analyses that may impact gender equity or vulnerable communities, such as racial and ethnic minorities, rural populations, and LGBTQ communities;
- respect the privacy of private citizens;
- hold power accountable in service of an informed public.